AncestryPlus is the world’s largest online family history resource. It encompasses thousands of searchable collections of records from around the world, including the US Census, Immigration & Emigration Records, Military Records and much more. Our subscription allows for in-library use only.
The Florida Death Index (1877-1998) is the official record of death for persons who died within the State of Florida. It accurately identifies the place of death which is usually the best place to find an obituary. Interestingly, if someone dies in a boating accident outside of our territorial waters they will not be listed. The Florida Death Index stopped being added to in 1998; so if you need a later death, one will need to use the Social Security Death Index.
Please note that the county listed in the Social Security Death Index lists the place the final Social Security benefit is mailed to. This can be someone who is paying for the funeral expenses and not necessarily any relation to the place where the individual actually died or more importantly, lived.
The Helen Muir Florida Collection at Main Library includes the Genealogy Collection. The Genealogy Department receives questions from around the world on local genealogy and usually these are in the form of obituary requests.
Questions to explore with AncestryPlus:
1. Amelia Earhart was born July 24, 1897. The first US census where she appears is 1900 at the age of two. Go to AncestryPlus and look at the 1900 census. Where was she living in 1900? Who was Maria Burgess?
1. Kansas City, Kansas (Wyandotte County), Widow living with the family as their Nurse
2. The last census she appeared in was 1930. Look at the 1930 census and view the original document. She is living as a guest in New York. Try to decipher what is listed as her occupation?
2. Occupation: Flyer-writer, Industry: Aviation-Magazine
3. Claude G Leger died in 1998. Search the Florida Death Index and find his age, date, and county of death. What is his birth date? What is the spelling variant of his name?
3. Age: 36; Date: 8 Aug 1998; County: Dade ; Birth Date: 23 Apr 1962; Clavde G. Leger
4. Now look at the Social Security Death Index and find Claude’s Social Security Number.
4. 105-72-8462
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