Gale Virtual Reference Library delivers a wealth of eBook reference content in a database format, allowing libraries to choose exactly which titles to make available to their patrons. The sources that eBooks- Virtual Reference Library offers in eBook format include multi-volume encyclopedias, biographical collections, business plan handbooks, company history compilations, consumer health references, and specialized reference sources. Subjects covered include arts and humanities, biography and genealogy, business and industries, general and consumer interests, government and political science, health and medicine, law, science and technology, and social sciences.
With eBooks- Virtual Reference Library, you can search respected authoritative essays on a variety of topics at any time. Instead of searching through a number of print sources for a topic, eBooks-Virtual Reference Library enables you to search a wide range of sources with just one easy search. In addition, many of the results feature a PDF file version which is an exact digital replica of the print source.
Questions to explore with Gale Virtual Reference Library:
1. Beneath the Basic Search box there is an option to Select a Publication. Click the link Show All to display the full list of publications. Under what category/subject heading does the Encyclopedia of Bioethics appear?
Social Science
2. A student needs to determine whether a platypus is considered a fish, reptile or mammal. Doing a basic search on “platypus,” click the pdf file of the first result and scroll to second page. What’s the answer?
3. Using advanced search, type in “Hammurabi” in the keyword field and then “Code” in the title field. True or False: the Code of Hammurabi, while essentially humanitarian in intent, contained the “eye for an eye” theory of punishment?