
Archived - Newsbank ANSWERED

NewsBank has helped public libraries meet the diverse research needs of their patrons for more than 35 years. Currently, through partnerships with leading publishers worldwide, NewsBank provides public libraries with Web-based access to tens of millions of articles and video clips from local, state, regional, national and international newspapers and other news sources.
NewsBank's full-text, fully searchable databases are consistently updated with the current content patrons require to research issues and events. NewsBank resources also include years of archives, enabling patrons to research subjects from the past and track trends or developments from their origins.
Some of the great features of Newsbank:
America's Newspapers
The electronic editions of record for valuable local, regional, and national U.S. newspapers--all in one easy-to-search database. Each paper provides unique coverage of local and regional news, including companies, politics, sports, industries, cultural activities, and people in the community. Paid ads are excluded. 
Special reports
Covering current events, these reports are particularly helpful for students working on assignments for news topics. 
Miami Herald Newsbank 
The Miami Herald Newsbank allows users to search for full text articles of the Miami Herald from 1982 to the present. No advertisements, illustrations, photographs or tabular data are included. The Miami Herald is an ideal place to search for items of local interest such as area politics and legislation, letters to the editor and legal notices. This also includes, for instance, a write-up of a high school football game and the “Neighbors” section

Questions to explore with Newsbank:
1. Click on the the America’s Newspapers link. On the map of the United States, click on Florida. Scroll down to the NBC - 6 WTVJ: Video. Select it and enter the date 1-24-2011.  In what famous Miami eatery does the interview take place? 
         Versailles Restaurant in Little Havana

2. Click on the Celebrating Black History Month link beneath the Special Reports on the left side of the home page. Scroll down to the Struggle for Freedom and click on the second report “Michelle Robinson Obama : A Family Story Begun in Bondage.” The old plantation where Michelle Obama's great-great-grandfather lived is tuckedbehind what U.S Highway?            US Highway 521

3. I need to find articles on foreclosures from the Miami Herald written in the past 7 days.  How can I do that? 
Choose to search by “ALL TEXT” and type “foreclosure” in the top search box next to “All TEXT.”

In the second box down search by “Date”. Click in the box next to Date and the option for “past 7 days” will appear in blue. Click on it and then click on the Search button on the right side of the screen.

4. I would like articles from the Miami Herald with the term "marching bands" in the headline. How many can I find from the year 2007? 
Choose to search by “HEADLINE” in the top search box. Press the Search button. On the right side of the screen you will see a list of years. Choose 2007 and that will narrow your search.

5. I remember reading an article in the Business section of the Miami Herald from January 1, 1983 that I enjoyed. How can I go back and browse that section?  
Choose “SECTION” in the top search box. Type “BUSINESS” next to “SECTION” in the top right search box.  Choose “DATE” in the second search box. Type Jan 1, 1983 in the box next to “DATE”. This will narrow your search to the day and section.